Online Conference - Workshop (November 19th, 2021)

The Pic-A-Daily Serverless Workshop

In this workshop, you will discover the various serverless options offered by Google Cloud Platform, such Cloud Functions (functions as a service), App Engine (application as a service), and Cloud Run (container as a service). You will create an application that lets users upload, analyse, and share pictures. Data will be stored in Cloud Storage (images), Cloud Firestore (structured data). Along the way, additional services will be used such as Vision API (to analyze pictures), Cloud Logging (to track interesting events), Cloud Scheduler (to invoke workloads on a schedule), Cloud Pub/Sub and Eventarc (to receive events) and Workflows (to orchestrate services).

Friday, November 19, 2021
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM NZDT

Free Registration

Fifty (50) temporary Google Cloud accounts will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis when the workshop starts.

Wokshop Content:
Pic-a-Daily Serverless Workshop


Cloud Native Summit - Katie McLaughlin

Katie McLaughlin

Senior Developer Relations Engineer for Google Cloud

Katie is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer for Google Cloud, where she specialises in Python and serverless. She is currently a global core organiser for DevOpsDays, and was awarded the O'Reilly Open Source Award in 2017. When she’s not changing the world, she enjoys cooking, making tapestries, and seeing just how well various application stacks handle emoji.

Thank you to our sponsors

Our sponsors play a key role in supporting the conference and our community.

DIAMOND & CNS-2022 Co-Host

  • VMWare - Cloud Native New Zealand


  • Catalyst Cloud - Cloud Native New Zealand
  • Portainer - Cloud Native Summit
  • Auth0 - Cloud Native Summit

Platinum - Virtual Event

  • Cloud Native New Zealand


  • Portworx - Cloud Native Summit
  • Boost - Cloud Native Summit
  • Suse - Cloud Native Summit
Cloud Native Summit